Kentik - Network Observability

Kentik Blog

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by Phil Gervasi
by Christoph Pfister
by Doug Madory, Job Snijders
by Phil Gervasi
by Phil Gervasi
by Phil Gervasi
by Phil Gervasi
by Doug Madory
by Avi Freedman
by David Klein
by Kevin Woods
by Ken Osowski

Modernizing Network Data Analytics With a Unified Data Repository

May 11, 2023

In this post, learn about what a UDR is, how it benefits machine learning, and what it has to do with networking. Analyzing multiple databases using multiple tools on multiple screens is error-prone, slow, and tedious at best. Yet, that’s exactly how many network operators perform analytics on the telemetry they collect from switches, routers, firewalls, and so on. A unified data repository unifies all of that data in a single database that can be organized, secured, queried, and analyzed better than when working with disparate tools.

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Why Your Data-Driven Strategies for Network Reliability Aren’t Working

April 25, 2023

What do network operators want most from all their hard work? The answer is a stable, reliable, performant network that delivers great application experiences to people. In daily network operations, that means deep, extensive, and reliable network observability. In other words, the answer is a data-driven approach to gathering and analyzing a large volume and variety of network telemetry so that engineers have the insight they need to keep things running smoothly.

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