The Truth Is in the Traffic

Clear and actionable network insights to drive smart decisions


Intimately understand subscriber consumption trends

  • See OTT service consumption and trends.
  • Find opportunities to improve performance and pinpoint service quality issues.
  • Identify new services, investigate unexpected traffic events, and create more profitable plans.
OTT Service Tracking with video, gaming, and social media

Understand digital supply chain

  • Understand traffic contributors and consumers across your network by content and content providers.
  • Look for prospects and identify opportunities to create new services and generate new revenue sources.
  • No deep packet inspection required.
Gaming: Traffic by connectivity, breakdown by Source CDN, and delivery map

Optimize network cost and performance

  • Determine connectivity mix on- and off-net for each CDN handing traffic over to your network.
  • Benchmark CDNs in detail to optimize for subscriber performance and cost.
  • Generate supporting data for each CDN handing traffic over to your network with clear and detailed reports.
CDN Analytics: CDN-delivered traffic and embedded caching

Improve peering and interconnection

  • Execute an analytical interconnection strategy — optimize performance and cost.
  • Discover interconnects based on your traffic — peering decisions made easy!
  • Integrated PeeringDB data to assess peering policy, locations, and contact information.
  • See customers of networks in your markets — identify single-homed opportunities.
  • Kentik is the leading peering and interconnection solution.
PeeringDB data integrated in the Kentik platform

Grow subscriber revenue

  • Analyze subscribers for insights that grow revenue.
  • See granular consumption patterns across your subscriber base and apply metrics to track patterns.
  • Optimize timing of your upgrade programs or promotions.
  • Troubleshoot and instrument zero-rating programs across subscribers and content provider partners.
Top subscriber, OTT service and OTT service type

Get leading market insights

  • Observe and evaluate the size, market share and relationships of Autonomous Systems (ASes) globally and regionally.
  • See how ASes rank in your markets of interest. See who’s adding or losing customers and which customers are single-homed.
  • Integrated PeeringDB data to assess peering policy, locations, contact information.
  • Get data you can use to protect and grow your business.
Kentik Market Intelligence dashboard with rankings

“Kentik Market Intelligence provides us with an easy-to-view, up-to-date and detailed understanding of global IP traffic flows for our key markets.”

Mark Currier Global Product Manager, Arelion
OTT and CDN Analytics
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