Kentik - Network Observability

Putting the Network in Observability

With the accelerating use of DevOps and cloud-native infrastructure, observability is all the rage. Organizations, large and small, are doing their best to make sense of the logs, metrics, and traces generated by their applications to identify performance and availability issues. But what about the network? It seems that many organizations forgot that network telemetry has always been the foundation of any monitoring initiative relating to performance, security, or availability.

In this Techstrong Learning Experience, Techstrong Research GM Mike Rothman is joined by Phil Gervasi and Rosalind Whitley from Kentik to discuss how network observability adds depth and context to any APM or security analysis environment. Mike will also highlights data from a recent network observability survey done by Techstrong Research.

What you’ll learn:

  • The top use cases for network observability
  • How network observability identifies problems before other monitoring techniques
  • How to reduce administrative overhead and optimize network costs in hybrid and multi-cloud environments

Kentik speakers

Phil Gervasi
Director of Tech Evangelism, Kentik
Rosalind Whitley
Director, Product Marketing - Cloud
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