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Integrated, Advanced SD-WAN Visibility with Kentik and Silver Peak

SD-WANs transform enterprise WAN edge functionality with the capability to utilize multiple network transports to meet applications’ performance requirements. They are an integral part of enterprise digital transformation initiatives.

Kentik, provider of the leading network intelligence platform trusted by digital enterprises and service providers, has partnered with Silver Peak®, the global SD-WAN leader, delivering the transformational promise of the cloud with a self-driving wide area network™, to provide complete traffic visibility by including Silver Peak’s SD-WAN virtual networks, driven by Business Intent Overlays (BIOs).

The integration will enable network teams to leverage Kentik’s network intelligence to monitor application traffic policies while providing a full understanding of link utilization and traffic flows that can be applied to troubleshooting, capacity monitoring, and network optimization for more cost-effective underlay and transport services.

Silver Peak SD-WAN Business Intent Overlay and Application Name visibility with Kentik

Kentik enables validation of Silver Peak EdgeConnect™ SD-WAN Business Intent Overlay (BIO) and security policies.

Silver Peak EdgeConnect enables organizations to shift to an application-driven networking model which creates virtual network overlays based on business intent and security policies. Through Kentik, customers can monitor changes and validate application traffic as it traverses the virtual overlays.

The integration features the inclusion of Application Name Dimension and BIO into interface traffic metadata, with network map visualization of Silver Peak BIO overlay and bonded tunnels.

With enhanced visibility, network operators can improve performance, avoid capacity issues, and reduce costs.

Kentik enables NetOps teams to detect anomalies faster, reduce MTTR, and optimize connectivity. Providing network intelligence and visibility into the underlay transport layers compound the benefits of Silver Peak SD-WAN. Understanding traffic patterns and links between sites, data centers, and the internet can lead to better economics and improved quality results.

Logical map of Silver Peak SD-WAN and underlay transports with Kentik

Integrating Silver Peak SD-WAN overlay traffic visibility into the Kentik Network Intelligence Platform empowers agile network teams to make data-driven decisions.

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  • Silver Peak traffic visualization grouped by BIO and Application Name
  • Network visualization of Silver Peak interfaces
  • Association of Silver Peak BIO overlay and bonded tunnels
  • Inclusion of SD-WAN links and components into end-to-end traffic visualizations


  • Validation of application mapping to Business Intent Overlay
  • Alert on failures and unusual shifts in transports
  • Reduced MTTR of underlay issues concerning service provider or internet connectivity
  • Proactive capacity planning for cost-effective utilization and prevention of bandwidth exhaustion
  • Understanding of SD-WAN fabric impact on network traffic and performance
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