Kentik - Network Observability

Cloud Expo Europe

Meet the Kentik team on 8-9 March at ExCeL London.

Book a meeting


It’s coffee o’clock with Kentik

Start your day with a cup of Kentik (and coffee). We’re excited to welcome you to Cloud Expo Europe. When you need a caffeine boost, stop by stand #C222. Our barista is standing by to refuel your Cloud Expo experience.

Pencil us in! Join our theatre session on March 9 at 12:20pm

Don´t miss Kentik´s network observability expert Ted Turner as he presents “No good decision was ever made in a swivel chair: Optimizing for cost and performance in the cloud.” Find Ted and the Kentik team in CEE Theatre 2 for the presentation. Check out the event agenda.

Can you hear us now?

Large show floors can be noisy and overwhelming. Do you have a project you’d like to discuss or a demo you’d like to watch? Set 1:1 time with our team onsite and step away from the crowds.

Come for the swag, stay for the grand prize.

Save some room in your swag bag for Kentik. We’re giving away our Network Observability for Dummies book plus lots of fun goodies. While at the stand, enter to win our grand prize.

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